
Notice issued by the Ministry of agriculture

2018-04-08 14:33:27 32558

Notice issued by the Ministry of agriculture " 2018 veterinary work points"

2018-02-27 Reagen technology

Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government animal husbandry and veterinary ( agriculture and animal husbandry, agriculture ) department ( bureau, Committee, office ), China animal disease prevention and control center, China veterinary drug supervision, China animal health and epidemiology center, Xinjiang production and construction corps animal husbandry and veterinary bureau:
In order to do a good job in 2018 veterinary work, the Ministry of agriculture has formulated the 2018 veterinary work points, which are hereby printed and distributed to you. Please combine the actual situation, earnestly implement.


Veterinary essentials 2018

In 2018, the national veterinary system should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 19th national congress of the communist party of China, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, in accordance with the requirements of the central rural work conference, the national agricultural work conference deployment, highlight the two major themes of " quality to promote agriculture" and " green development", closely around the " risk prevention, security, promote development" target task, continue to promote the national long-term animal disease prevention and control plan ( 2012 - 2020 ) " the national veterinary health development plan ( 2016 - 2020 )" implementation, efforts to improve from breeding to slaughter the whole chain veterinary health risk management level, promote the effective implementation of rural revitalization strategy and healthy China strategy.



Animal disease control

( a ) to promote animal disease purification. Formulate and implement animal disease purification guidance, promote animal disease prevention and control from effective control to gradually purify the elimination of transformation. Strengthen the regional management of animal disease, promote the construction of northeast China without epidemic areas, encourage and guide the conditions of the region construction without epidemic areas, to guide enterprises to meet the conditions of the construction of non epidemic area. Encourage has been completed without epidemic area and epidemic area to expand the scope, expand the disease, apply for international epidemic free certification. Comprehensive start farms animal disease purification work, promote the scale of farms to take the lead in purification, encourage and guide the conditions of the region to carry out regional purification, expand the purification of diseases.
( two ) to strengthen the prevention and control of brucellosis and other zoonosis. Deepen the cloth disease prevention and control strategy, formulate and implement in-depth development of cloth disease prevention and control plan, strengthen the implementation of prevention and control measures, promote regional defense joint control, strictly regulate the live animals from high-risk areas to low-risk areas allocation, reduce the spread of cloth disease risk. A class of areas to pay special attention to the implementation of immunization measures, keep the immune density should be free of livestock in more than 90 %; Two areas to pay special attention to the implementation of cloth disease purification measures, the whole county contiguous promote cloth disease purification, reduce the number of positive herds; Three areas to strengthen monitoring, to prevent the spread of cloth disease. To sum up the experience of prevention and control of echinococcosis in shiqu county, implement measures such as good dog insect repellent, sheep immune, pathological organs harmless treatment, strengthen the prevention and control of echinococcosis in an all-round way. Increase the intensity of cow tuberculosis detection culling, continue to do a good job in schistosomiasis, rabies and other zoonosis prevention and control, consolidate and expand the effectiveness of prevention and control.
( three ) a comprehensive grasp of h7n9 influenza and other major animal disease prevention and control. Formulate and implement the national poultry h7n9 influenza prevention and control guidance, to ensure that the H5 + H7 bivalent vaccine comprehensive immunization in place, the implementation of the comprehensive prevention and control measures, with the relevant departments to implement the live poultry market " 1110" system. Encourage conditional provinces to gradually withdraw from the small ruminant animal disease immunization, promote the implementation of the plan for the elimination of small ruminant animal disease. The implementation of the national animal disease compulsory immunization plan, monitoring and epidemiological investigation plan. To strengthen the prevention and control of foot-and-mouth disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, classical swine fever and highly pathogenic porcine blue ear disease. To co-ordinate the prevention and control of other animal diseases, especially the prevention and control of Seneca virus disease and other new imported diseases.
( four ) strict prevention of African swine fever and other exotic animal diseases. Pay close attention to the overseas epidemic situation, strengthen monitoring and early warning, improve the risk analysis and evaluation mechanism, focusing on livestock and poultry abnormal morbidity and mortality. Strengthen emergency preparedness, improve the emergency mechanism and plan, especially in the border areas to strengthen emergency drills and emergency supplies reserve. Strengthen communication and coordination with the relevant departments, closely monitor the health status of imported animals, strengthen the monitoring and analysis of animal epidemic information outside the country ( territory ), to carry out the country ( territory ) outside the animal health information risk assessment, jointly with the general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine formulated and released the entry-exit quarantine ban on animals and their products, lifting the ban, strict prevention of African swine fever, mad cow disease and other overseas epidemic incoming risk.
( five ) to further promote the implementation of the " first play and then fill" and other epidemic prevention policies. To strengthen the guidance of the pilot work, sum up experience in a timely manner, improve the implementation plan and promote measures, and effectively expand the scope of implementation of the " first play and then fill". Promote foot-and-mouth disease immunization policy adjustment, exit Asia type Ⅰ foot-and-mouth disease after immunization to strengthen monitoring, strengthen emergency response; Provinces according to the assessment results to determine the implementation of pig type a foot-and-mouth disease immunization, timely assessment of the immune effect.



Development of veterinary slaughter

( a ) to promote the quality and efficiency of the veterinary drug industry. The implementation of the state Council " put tube clothing" reform spirit, and earnestly do a good job in veterinary administrative licensing examination and approval work. Strict veterinary drug production enterprise access review, resolutely eliminate backward production capacity. Strictly implement the veterinary drug product approval number on-site verification, sampling system. The implementation of veterinary GLP / GCP supervision and inspection and new veterinary drug registration site verification work, public supervision and inspection results, crack down on new veterinary drug research data fraud. Promote the veterinary drug registration data technical requirements "," new powder premix production line of veterinary drug GMP inspection acceptance evaluation standard "," veterinary vaccine production enterprise biosafety level 3 protection requirements inspection acceptance evaluation standard " system revision work, refine and improve the veterinary drug registration, production facilities and technical requirements, promote the healthy development of the veterinary drug industry.
( two ) to promote the transformation and upgrading of the slaughter industry. In conjunction with the relevant departments jointly carry out pig slaughtering qualification audit cleaning activities, in strict accordance with the requirements of the closure does not meet the conditions of the slaughtering plant ( field ) and small slaughterhouses, accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, do a good job in eliminating backward production capacity of subtraction. In - depth promotion of pig slaughtering standardization to create activities, the main focus on " centralized slaughtering, brand management, cold chain circulation, cold fresh listing", improve the slaughtering industry scale, mechanization, standardized production level, promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry, do a good job in brand strong agricultural addition. Organize and carry out special rectification action of pig slaughtering, improve the slaughtering link " lean meat essence" supervision and risk monitoring mechanism, crack down on illegal slaughtering behavior, to ensure the quality and safety of meat slaughtering link, standardize the order of the industry, do a good job in the quality of agricultural addition. Regularly organize and carry out statistical monitoring and situation consultation and analysis of pig slaughtering industry, give full play to the role of industry associations, slaughtering enterprises, industry experts, promote the slaughter industry governance.



Exchange and cooperation

( a ) to deepen exchanges and cooperation with international organizations. Promote practical cooperation with the world organization for animal health, and actively participate in the revision of the international rules and standards for veterinary health, and promote the application of international rules and standards. Strengthen cooperation with international organizations such as the food and agriculture organization of the United nations to promote the implementation of regional and global veterinary cooperation projects. Organize the implementation of relevant international conventions. Strengthen the veterinary international personnel training and push mechanism construction.  
( two ) to strengthen bilateral and multilateral exchanges and cooperation. Participate in veterinary foreign affairs consultation and negotiation, formulation of rules, to carry out intergovernmental veterinary bilateral and multilateral agreements, agreements and signed. Promote cooperation with neighboring countries, " the belt and road initiative" participating countries in animal epidemic notification, policies and regulations, personnel training, laboratory construction and other aspects. Support border provinces to strengthen cooperation with neighboring countries and regions, and actively explore the regional management mode of animal disease, improve the cross-border animal disease prevention and control mechanism.


Strengthening safeguard measures

( a ) to strengthen the construction of morals and style. Thoroughly implement the party's spirit of the 19th national congress and Xi Jinping new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, combined with the theme of " Do not forget your initiative mind remember mission" education activities, adhere to the morals construction is not relaxed, in-depth study and publicity of the typical deeds of advanced veterinary system, continue to strengthen the management of veterinary team. To further modify and improve the extended performance management index system, strengthen the guiding role of extended performance management index system. Strengthen the system construction, strengthen power supervision, to ensure the standardized use of financial funds, strengthen the supervision and management of animal epidemic prevention and other subsidies, it is strictly prohibited to intercept, misuse, misappropriation and other violations of law and discipline. Regulate the administrative examination and approval, administrative punishment, administrative enforcement, to ensure the fair and open, transparent and efficient exercise of public power.
( two ) to increase publicity efforts. Innovation, broaden the channels, overall consideration of active publicity and emergency publicity, internal and external publicity, mobilize all forces to carry out veterinary health information publicity work. Strengthen the network public opinion monitoring, strengthen risk communication and public opinion propaganda and guidance. Do a good job in China veterinary work publicity work. By using the public welfare activities on the theme of " delivering love to protect health and national veterinary in action" and the national veterinary challenge " the world's longest envelope chain" activities and " scientific use of veterinary antimicrobial agents million relay" public welfare activities and other carriers, relying on the industry's mainstream media and " China veterinary release" wechat public number and other new media, grasp the important time node, tell veterinary stories, publicity system policy, solicit opinions and suggestions, to further create a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to veterinary, understand veterinary, support veterinary.


